Research Center SHARQ/ORIENS is an independent, non-profit research center based in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. It was established in 1996 by a group of experienced Tajik Academy of Sciences researchers, including Dr. Saodat Olimova and Prof. Muzaffar Olimov.
The center's mission is to conduct high-quality social, marketing, and media research that contributes to the understanding of social, economic, and political change in Tajikistan and Central Asia.
SHARQ/ORIENS has a team of experienced researchers with expertise in a wide range of research areas, including:
Economic transformation
Public health and education
Small scale and medium scale business
Electoral values, preferences and behaviors
Border conflicts
The center has conducted a number of major research projects, including:
The Shadow and Informal Economy in Tajikistan (2005, 2015)
Youth of Central Asia: Tajikistan (2014-2016)
Life in Transition Survey III (2015)
Household Life Standard Survey (TLSS) – 2011
Survey of Public Opinion (2003-2016)
Analysis of peace and conflict factors at the communities level in cross border districts of Sughd region (2015-2016)
Brain Drain vs Brain Circulation[Central Asia] (2019)
Financial Literacy and saving behavior norms among women and youth in Tajikistan (2021)
World values survey, WAROP,(2019-2020, 7th wave)
Migration in Central Asia and Russia: Human Capital Mobility (2022)
Image of the country (2022)
SHARQ/ORIENS' research has been published in leading academic journals and books, and the center has presented its findings at international conferences. The center's research has also been used to inform policy and decision-making in Tajikistan and Central Asia.
SHARQ/ORIENS is a member of the International Association of Oriental Centers and has partnerships with a number of international organizations, including the International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration, the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Programmer & etc.